WrICE Residency in Philippines 2017 Who would have thought the work I did in the prison space would end up in some of the best libraries in the world? Imagine the voices and words of Buimo prisoners and warders are read and heard all over the world, outside the confines of the prison space! I helped to facilitate the writers’ workshop in Buimo Prison in Lae that led to the publication of A Turning Point: Buimo Prison Writers. It is now kept in the National Library of Australia, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Michigan, Universitatsbiblioteck Johann Christian Senckenberg, Zentralbibilotheck—Franfurt/Main, German, HCL Technical Services Library of Harvard College Library (USA) and Harvard University, USA. More than 10 books published since 1991 are now found in libraries all over the world. I wonder how many libraries in PNG hold copies of my books? All information gathered here on the books and where they are from © 2010 OCLC Online Computer Library Cent...
Chronicles the stories of education, books, writing, and reading in the life of Steven Edmund Winduo, PNG writer extraordinaire, literacy advocate, social literary activist, literary scholar, & teacher. Fern Ridge is a translation of Safla Rama, where home is for SEW.