A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step CONFUCIUS Philosopher I have climbed many mountains. This book is about how I climbed the many mountains in my life. I have climbed a thousand mountains in my life using the knowledge and tools I learnt in books. I have written a lot on principles of success. I adopted these principles from international motivational and personal development gurus like Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, and others. I decided to collate them as an anthology of what I have written over the years. Hence, this book will contain pieces I have written over many years going back to 2010 or thereabouts. Otherwise, most of the chapters were published every week as newspaper articles. I acknowledge The National newspaper for publishing most of these articles in the column known as “ Steven’s Window” within “The Weekend”. I have since then taken up the challenge to continue writing, but through an
Chronicles the stories of education, books, writing, and reading in the life of Steven Edmund Winduo, PNG writer extraordinaire, literacy advocate, social literary activist, literary scholar, & teacher. Fern Ridge is a translation of Safla Rama, where home is for SEW.