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Hand Written to Facebook

Getting someone to type my writing was an expensive exercise. If I had a work typed it was one off typing. That was in the mid 1980s—the period of my formative university years. I taught myself how to use a typewriter in the mid 1980s. I began writing more and more with a typewriter. I bought a typewriter. It cost me a K60 to buy a used one. That amount was a lot of money for a student. I must have earned some money from the NBC broadcast of my stories.   A typed writing felt magical and powerful. I was a proud owner of the typewriter in the late 1980s, until an innovative product hit our shores in that period. The arrival of the electronic typewriter in Papua New Guinea signaled the advancement of technologies. I spend a lot of Saturdays in a shop at Boroko selling the latest technologies on the market. The electronic typewriter was a fancy piece of equipment. The shop was known as the Business Solutions, operating out of what is now Boroko City Pharmacy. I bought a ...