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Book Cover Designs

Image: Steven Winduo. Design: Tom Slone   Designing Book Covers are best done by those trained in Graphic Arts or desktop designs. As a writer I want a book cover the catches the attention of the curious book owl. In the book publishing world covers are the marketing tools. Covers sell a book. In an essay on book cover designs, the writer Jacqueline Thomas writes in that book designs can make or break a book. She writes: “ A successful book cover is never an afterthought. It will lead readers to your pages and because of its role as an ambassador, your book cover deserves thoughtful planning . Thomas makes several remarks that are important for any writers or self -publishers to keep in mind. Design: Peter Leo Elaveara Design:  Peter Leo Elaveara  “ Book cover design is a crucial part of your marketing effort. You can string together the most insightful, lyrical words ever connected in human history, but if your book cover loo...