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Showing posts from October, 2019

He was always there

With the flutist, Father Gregory Holonga up at the Tower Top Lookout. Wewak, ESP! In writing my memoir  I reflect on the journey I took to be here. In 55 years I have lived on this earth I was blinded by the negative experience of childhood to see the commitment, sacrifices, and selfless person my father is in my life. He did things his way to see that my sibling and I were successful in our lives in later years. Little acknowledgment did I give the man who is my father, who is now 80 plus years old and is still around. Gregory Huiniyayekn Holonga, my Father, is the epitome of a silent dream. He did not show it but he had our dreams wrapped around him all along. He expressed this through different ways. I was enrolled in the best government school in Wewak in the 1970s. He let me wait outside the Bishop’s house if he was still driving the Bishop’s car, doing the mission runs to the post office for mail, or loading and off-loading construction materials to various sites ...

Book Cover Designs

Image: Steven Winduo. Design: Tom Slone   Designing Book Covers are best done by those trained in Graphic Arts or desktop designs. As a writer I want a book cover the catches the attention of the curious book owl. In the book publishing world covers are the marketing tools. Covers sell a book. In an essay on book cover designs, the writer Jacqueline Thomas writes in that book designs can make or break a book. She writes: “ A successful book cover is never an afterthought. It will lead readers to your pages and because of its role as an ambassador, your book cover deserves thoughtful planning . Thomas makes several remarks that are important for any writers or self -publishers to keep in mind. Design: Peter Leo Elaveara Design:  Peter Leo Elaveara  “ Book cover design is a crucial part of your marketing effort. You can string together the most insightful, lyrical words ever connected in human history, but if your book cover loo...