Reconstituting Oceanic Folktales. This chapter is about reconstituting the folk traditions within the written traditions. It is also about methodological reconstituting of the body of knowledge produced within Oceania through a process of reading. The attempt to employ structures of meaning from the folktale to read modern written texts is of essence here. This also sets out framework for reading Indigenous texts from within such a context. “Reconstituting Indigenous Oceanic Folktales” first published in Scholar space, online publications of the University of Hawaii was first presented as a conference paper at the Symposium on Folktales and Fairy Tales: Translation, Colonialism, and Cinema. The English Department, Center for Pacific Island Studies, Indigenous Political Program in Political Science, Center for Asian Studies, Pacific Islands Development Program, the Comparativism and Translation in Literary/Cultural Studies Research Cluster and the College of Language, Linguis...
Chronicles the stories of education, books, writing, and reading in the life of Steven Edmund Winduo, PNG writer extraordinaire, literacy advocate, social literary activist, literary scholar, & teacher. Fern Ridge is a translation of Safla Rama, where home is for SEW.